Another example of the tool of the mundum, the world of the Himalayan shaman. Fine antique Phurba from Nepal. The Phurba is the 'axis mundi' for the Himalayan shamanic groups, where in Buddhism the 'dagger' is viewed as the 'soul hero' or a 'stake' to pin down energy (used in weather control and many other rituals), the Nepalese shaman puts these to use in 'cintas', healing rituals; or to 'pick' the illness out of someone's body. Email for pricing.

Shaman Phurba 2

The detail on the 'lower world' or blade of the dagger, shows the shaman as the Makara, grabbing the necks of the intertwined snakes. The snakes are Nagarani and Nagagini. This depiction shows that the shaman can take control of the "Lords of the Soil'.
Our in-house authority on Phurbas is one of the few North American's who has been initiated and empowered in Dorje Phurba practice by a very high Lama in the Nyingmapa Sect from Amdo. His experience living among the Jankhri and Tamang shaman groups in Nepal provides academic credibility.