About Us
Mission and Purpose

To say we have an interest in the transformative nature of Sound and Music would be an understatement. We have been at the forefront from the beginning, and with that, we have seen the interest in this Art grow and grow. But growth does not always mean better. The landscape of Sound Healing or Sound Therapy is a virtual minefield of pseudo-science, poor opinions, and mass marketing. We're sure that many mean well and that they have set good intentions, but consumers need genuine information and inspiration. People are now paying fortunes to learn and buy instruments, but many of these 'teachers' hold no academic degrees and the 'sound tools' are simply manufactured for the tourism trade. Enough is enough.
Our primary objective is to inform and offer opinions that fall outside the mainstream. We are primarily made up of educators and researchers who have conducted field research abroad. Through our contacts we are either given pieces to sell on their behalf, or services from the indigenous handicraft associations themselves. We do not publish prices because this would influence the marketplace. We've seen this time and time again where we price an authentic antique piece, and people start selling 'tourist junk' for the price of an antique.
We are here to help you, not to help ourselves to your pocketbook. Feel free to email any questions or concerns about Sound Therapy to us. As we construct this website we will continually be at your service.
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